Electric Vehicle CHARGERS
Chargers by Type
There are three major categories of chargers, based on the amount of power the charger can provide.

Level 1
Level 1 charging is typically done with a charging cable that comes standard with many EVs, or may be available for purchase. A Level 1 charging cable can be plugged into a standard 120V outlet, and adds 2 to 5 miles of range for each hour of charging, on average.

Level 2
A Level 2 charger requires a dedicated 240V circuit, and adds 10 to 20 miles of range for each hour of charging. A Level 2 charger can be plugged into a 240V outlet (like a dryer outlet), or can be hardwired. Installing a 240V outlet or a hardwired Level 2 charger should be done by a licensed electrician.
Virginia customers can save up to $100 on qualified ENERGY STAR® Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)- Level 2.
West Virginia customers can receive up to $250 on qualified ENERGY STAR® Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment through the Charge Forward Program, and earn up to an additional $250 on the installation of the equipment.

DC Fast Chargers
DC Fast Chargers (DCFC) deliver direct current electricity to the electric vehicle’s battery and are typically only installed at public locations. DCFCs can range anywhere from 30 kW to 350 kW—the higher the number, the faster the charge—and can add between 180-240 miles of range for each hour of charging. DCFCs use one of three types of fast charging connectors (plug shapes): CHAdeMO, CCS or NACS (Tesla); your car’s charging port must be compatible with the connector, or you may need an adapter. Due to their smaller battery sizes and backup internal combustion engines, PHEVs typically do not have DCFC capabilities.
Common Questions
Virginia customers can purchase Level 2 Chargers on the TakeCharge Virginia Marketplace
All electric vehicles can be connected to a 120V outlet, using the Level 1 charging cable that comes standard with many vehicles. While Level 1 charging is slow, it can be done overnight and meets the charging needs of many drivers. If you drive less than 40 miles per day, or drive a PHEV, you may be able to save money by charging overnight using a Level 1 charging cable. Most vehicles don’t need to be fully charged each night. In fact, while a full charge is needed for long trips, it's best for the life of your EV's battery to keep your charge level between 20%-80%.
Level 2 chargers use higher voltage and amperage, thereby supplying power faster. Level 2 chargers typically charge an EV four to five times faster than a Level 1 cable. Level 2 chargers generally cost between $500 and $1,000 and require wiring to a 240V circuit.
Virginia customers can save up to $100 on a qualified ENERGY STAR® Level 2 Charger.
West Virginia customers can receive up to $250 on a qualified ENERGY STAR® Level 2 Charger AND earn up to $250 off the cost of installation.
Charging speed isn’t entirely dependent on the amperage of the charger. Electric vehicle batteries have maximum charging amperage limits. Many older BEVs and PHEVs can only accept a maximum of 32 amps while charging on a Level 2 charger. While plugging into a higher-amperage charger won’t harm your vehicle, it simply won’t charge any faster. When you make the decision to buy a L2 charger, make sure you aren't buying more amps than you need! Look in your vehicle’s manual to determine its maximum charging amperage.
You can also save money by buying an ENERGY STAR® certified Level 2 charger. The average home charger sits in “standby” mode 85% of the time. An ENERGY STAR® certified charger uses 40% less energy in standby mode.
Some chargers have Wi-Fi capability, which can pair with a smartphone app to conveniently program and remotely control your charging, allowing you to take advantage of off-peak cost savings and participate in managed charging programs.
The cost to install a Level 2 charger can vary widely, typically ranging from $1,200 to $2,000. It’s best to get a few quotes from certified electricians. Many states and municipalities also require homeowners to get a permit, which can add to the cost.
Your home or business might require an electrical service panel upgrade to support a Level 2 charger. Most homes built before the ‘80s have electrical panels of 100 amps (or less). Many new homes have 300-amp or 400-amp service, using two panels. Generally, a 200-amp panel is required to support Level 2 EV charger. How do you know the amperage of your electrical service panel? Open your panel and look inside of the door. There should be a label that indicates the total amperage the panel supports.
An electrician will include an “amperage cushion” when calculating your panel’s capacity (generally 125% of the charger amperage) to comply with building codes. Even if you have a 200-amp panel, you still might need a panel upgrade:
30-amp charger: Requires a 40-amp circuit
40-amp charger: Requires 50-amp circuit
50-amp charger: Requires a 70-amp circuit
Finally, even if your panel can support the amperage requirements of a Level 2 home charger, you must also have sufficient circuit breaker space. While breakers can be “piggy-backed”, with a tandem breaker installed in the space of one circuit breaker, the general rule of thumb is that there should be two available circuit breakers for a Level 2 EV charger.
Most Level 2 chargers use about 7.2 kW watts of electricity. For comparison, the average electric water heater uses 4.5 kW, and the typical electric clothes dryer uses around 2.7 kW. The average EV driver in the U.S. uses 408 kWh to charge their car at home each month (assuming 38.4 average daily miles). EV charging will increase the size of your electric bill, but you can minimize that increase by charging at the right time. Appalachian Power offers Off-Peak Charging electric rate plans that offer a significantly lower rate when EV owners charge between 8pm-6am Monday through Friday, weekends, and major holidays. Charging overnight can save money.
West Virginia Off-Peak Charging
Another good reason to charge overnight is to avoid adding stress to the electrical grid. While vehicle electrification is good for the environment, charging at peak times can strain the grid. Avoid charging in the afternoon and early evening, when electric demand is at its peak.
Public DC fast chargers (DCFCs) are great for long-distance trips. In the time it takes to grab a bite to eat or check out a local attraction, you can top off your vehicle’s charge and be ready to get back on the road. Charging at public DCFCs is typically more expensive than charging at home, and it’s better for your EV’s battery to avoid using DCFCs exclusively. But occasional DCFC use can be convenient and easy, and more and more of these chargers are being built across the nation’s travel corridors. Smartphone apps such as PlugShare and Chargeway can show you where to find DCFCs that suit your vehicle. They also have reviews, photos, lists of local amenities, and trip planning features.
Important Considerations

EV charging ports/compatible plugs differ by EV manufacturer. The primary types are J1772, CCS, NACS (Tesla) and CHAdeMO. While plug adapters can be purchased, you should refer to your vehicle owner's manual before purchasing a charger. Many automotive manufacturers are providing NACS (Tesla charging) adapters to their EV owners who’ve purchased vehicles with CCS technology. Most of these manufacturers will transition their charging format to NACS, beginning in 2025.

Some chargers are Wi-Fi enabled, most of these come with a downloadable phone app that allows you to conveniently program and remotely control your charging - to take advantage of off-peak cost savings. All Level 2 Chargers eligible for our Rebate are WiFi enabled.

Level 2 (240V) chargers must be professionally installed. The age of your home, your electrical panel capacity (and where it is located), can affect the final cost of putting an electric vehicle charger in your home. The cost of parts and labor can vary widely, typically ranging from $1,200 to $2,500. It’s best to get a few quotes from certified electricians. Some states also require homeowners to get a permit, which can add to the cost.

Appalachian Power offers rebates off the cost of qualifying Level 2 Chargers
Virginia Customers can Shop Now for Level 2 Chargers on the TakeChargeVA Marketplace